What is Cyber insurance?

Safeguard your organization against the evolving landscape of cyber threats with our guide on Cyber Insurance.

What is Cyber Insurance? Why You Need it, and What It Covers

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What is Cyber Insurance?


Cyber Insurance, also known as Cyber Risk Insurance or Cyber Liability Insurance, is a specialized insurance product that offers financial protection to businesses in the event of cyber-related incidents. These incidents can include data breaches, ransomware attacks, network security failures, business interruption due to cyber events, and other forms of cyber threats.

Cyber Insurance policies are designed to cover various aspects of a cyber incident, such as costs associated with investigating the breach, notifying affected parties, restoring data and systems, legal expenses, public relations efforts to manage reputation damage, and potential liabilities arising from third-party claims. Additionally, Cyber Insurance may also provide coverage for regulatory fines and penalties imposed by authorities for non-compliance with data protection laws.

Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from Cyber Insurance as cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. Having Cyber Insurance can help organizations mitigate financial losses, protect their reputation, and ensure business continuity in the face of cyber attacks. It complements other cybersecurity measures by providing a financial safety net in case preventive measures fail to prevent a breach.

When considering Cyber Insurance, businesses should assess their specific cyber risk exposure, evaluate the coverage options available in the market, understand policy terms and conditions, and work with insurance providers to tailor a policy that meets their unique needs. Premiums for Cyber Insurance are typically determined based on factors such as the size and industry of the business, its cybersecurity posture, past incidents history, and the level of coverage required.

In summary, Cyber Insurance is an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that helps businesses manage the financial risks associated with cyber threats and ensures they can recover swiftly from cyber incidents with minimal disruption.


What different types of risks does Cyber Insurance typically cover?


Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the different types of risks typically covered by Cyber Insurance:


Privacy Liability Coverage:

  • Protects organizations handling sensitive data from liabilities due to data breaches exposing private information.
  • Covers costs related to privacy law violations, consumer class-action litigation, and regulatory investigations[1].

Network Security Coverage:

  • Shields organizations during network security failures like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and malware infections.
  • Covers expenses such as IT forensics, legal fees, data restoration, breach notifications, credit monitoring, and identity restoration[1].

Network Business Interruption Coverage:

  • Helps organizations facing operational risks due to system failures caused by cyber incidents.
  • Includes coverage for lost profits, fixed expenses, and additional costs during network downtime[1].

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Coverage:

  • Protects against cyber events hindering service delivery, including errors in software or consulting services.
  • Covers claims related to negligence, breaches of contract, and legal defense costs from lawsuits or disputes[1].

Media Liability Coverage:

  • Safeguards organizations from liabilities related to intellectual property infringement in advertising.
  • Typically covers printed and online advertising, including social media posts[1].

These categories of coverage encompass a wide range of risks that businesses face in the digital landscape, providing financial protection against cyber threats and incidents that could potentially disrupt operations or lead to financial losses.



  1. https://www.bluevoyant.com/knowledge-center/5-types-of-cyber-insurance-coverage-and-what-to-watch-out-for
  1. https://cyberinsureone.com/types/
  1. https://travasecurity.com/learn-with-trava/blog/what-your-cyber-insurance-policy-does-and-doesnt-cover
  1. https://www.beyondtrust.com/blog/entry/cyber-insurance-what-it-is
  1. https://woodruffsawyer.com/cyber-liability/cyber-101-liability-insurance/

What types of risks does Cyber Insurance not typically cover?


Potential future lost profits

Cyber Insurance usually covers direct financial losses incurred due to cyber incidents but may not extend to potential future lost profits resulting from reputational damage or business interruption.

Loss of value through intellectual property theft

While Cyber Insurance may cover certain aspects of intellectual property infringement, it may not fully compensate for the loss of value associated with stolen intellectual property.

Technological improvements and upgrades

Costs related to technological improvements or upgrades to prevent future cyber incidents are typically not covered by Cyber Insurance policies.

Losses incurred during the time deductible

Any losses that occur within the deductible period specified in the policy may not be covered until the deductible amount is exceeded.

Cyber events prior to policy purchase

Cyber Insurance generally does not cover incidents that occurred before the policy was purchased, emphasizing the importance of continuous coverage.

Unpatched vulnerabilities

Failures to address known vulnerabilities through software patches or updates may not be covered by Cyber Insurance, as proactive security measures are expected.

Infrastructure failures from external factors

Damage or failures to infrastructure caused by factors unrelated to deliberate cyber events, such as natural disasters, may not be covered under typical Cyber Insurance policies.

Malicious insiders

While some policies may offer limited coverage for insider threats, malicious actions by employees or insiders could be excluded from standard Cyber Insurance coverage.


How does Cyber Insurance help businesses recover from cyber attacks and data breaches?


Here is how Cyber Insurance helps businesses recover from cyber attacks and data breaches:


Financial Protection

Cyber Insurance provides financial protection to businesses by covering various costs associated with cyber incidents, such as recovery and remediation expenses, legal fees, ransom payments, credit monitoring for victims, and regulatory fines[3].

Business Continuity

In the event of a cyber attack or data breach, Cyber Insurance can help businesses maintain continuity by covering business interruption losses, including profits lost due to the incident[2].

Liability Coverage

Cyber Insurance can protect businesses from liabilities arising from data breaches, such as third-party lawsuits, statutory violations, costs of complying with consumer notification laws, breach of contract claims, and negligence claims related to disclosure of sensitive information[2].

Response and Recovery Costs

Cyber Insurance typically covers expenses related to investigating a breach, notifying affected parties, providing credit monitoring services, and engaging in crisis management efforts to protect the business's reputation post-incident[4].

Risk Mitigation

By transferring the financial burden of a significant cyber event to the insurer through premiums, organizations can mitigate their financial risks and ensure they have the necessary resources to recover from cyber incidents[3].

Coverage for Various Losses

Cyber Insurance policies may cover a wide range of losses associated with data security breaches, including legal expenses incurred due to the breach, damage to online systems or data losses, costs of providing credit monitoring services, and loss of intellectual property[2].


In summary, Cyber Insurance plays a crucial role in helping businesses recover from cyber attacks and data breaches by providing financial support for response efforts, mitigating liabilities, ensuring business continuity, and covering various costs incurred during and after a cyber incident.



  1. https://woodruffsawyer.com/cyber-liability/cyber-101-liability-insurance/
  1. https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/insurance-recovery-resource-library-1/cyber-attacks-and-data-breaches-insurance.html
  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/07/05/how-cyber-insurance-can-help-relieve-the-financial-burden-of-a-cyberattack/?sh=58dd0c987e60
  1. https://prowritersins.com/products/cyber-insurance/coverage-exclusions/
  1. https://hylant.com/insights/blog/cyber-insurance-coverages

What factors should businesses consider when choosing a Cyber Insurance policy?


When choosing a Cyber Insurance policy, businesses should consider the following factors based on the search results:


List of Coverage Needs

Make a list of expenses you want covered by the insurance policy, such as fines, legal fees, penalties, credit monitoring, fraud expenses, and more[1].


Compare deductibles among insurers to understand the out-of-pocket costs your business may incur before the insurance coverage kicks in[1].

Stand-Alone vs. Add-On Policy

Determine if you need a stand-alone Cyber Insurance policy for more comprehensive coverage or if an add-on to an existing policy is sufficient[1].

Coverage for Accidental Actions

Ensure the policy covers unintentional employee actions that could lead to cyber breaches or attacks[1].

Coverage for Third Parties

Understand how coverage and limits apply to both first and third parties, including third-party service providers, and assess if your service providers have cyber insurance[1].

Consult with an Experienced Broker

Partner with an experienced insurance broker who understands your business and its risk level to help you choose the right Cyber Insurance policy tailored to your needs[1].


Considering these factors will help businesses select a Cyber Insurance policy that aligns with their specific requirements, provides adequate coverage for potential risks, and ensures financial protection in the event of cyber attacks or data breaches.



  1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-choose-cyber-insurance-policy-apex-risk-insurance-services
  1. https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/how-to-choose-cyber-insurance
  1. https://www.coalitioninc.com/topics/cyber-insurance-policy-coverages
  1. https://woodruffsawyer.com/cyber-liability/cyber-101-liability-insurance/
  1. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/transferring-cybersecurity-risk-considerations-when-obtaining-cyber-insurance

Are there specific industries or business sizes that can benefit the most from Cyber Insurance?


Specific industries and business sizes can particularly benefit from cyber insurance due to increased exposure to cyber threats and potential financial losses.


Industries with High Adoption Rates:

  • Education (66%)
  • Healthcare (62%)
  • Technology and Communications firms (51%)

These industries tend to store vast amounts of sensitive data and rely heavily on digital technologies, making them prime targets for cyber criminals[2].


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

While larger businesses receive more attention, smaller businesses face similar cyber threats and are equally vulnerable. In fact, 41% of firms in U.S. and European markets have adopted cyber insurance policies[1].

High-Risk Businesses

Companies that operate in industries with strict cybersecurity regulations, such as finance and technology, may benefit greatly from cyber insurance. Meeting regulatory compliance standards becomes easier with the assistance of cyber insurance[1].

Organizations Handling Sensitive Information

Any entity that handles sensitive customer, client, or partner data, or supports electronic transactions, stands to gain from cyber insurance coverage[1].


When considering cyber insurance, it is essential to evaluate the unique risks faced by your business and industry, rather than focusing solely on the size of the enterprise[1]. Consulting with an experienced insurance broker can help guide you towards the best possible coverage for your particular circumstances.



  1. https://www.strongdm.com/blog/cyber-insurance
  1. https://www.chicagofed.org/publications/chicago-fed-letter/2019/426
  1. https://visualedgeit.com/the-benefits-of-cyber-insurance-go-beyond-financial-protection/
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-choose-cyber-insurance-policy-apex-risk-insurance-services
  1. https://www.coalitioninc.com/topics/cyber-insurance-policy-coverages

How does Cyber Insurance complement other cybersecurity measures and practices?


Cyber Insurance complements other cybersecurity measures and practices by acting as a complementary rider to existing security checks and balances. It serves as an effective strategy for bolstering new or pre-established cyber defense plans[1].


How Cyber Insurance Complements Cybersecurity Measures:

Financial Protection

Cyber Insurance provides financial compensation for various costs incurred during and after a cyber incident, allowing businesses to focus on recovery without worrying about potential threats[3].

Incident Response Support

Cyber Insurance policies often include incident response support, providing access to cyber security experts who can help identify the source of an attack, contain damage, and recover systems[3].

Employee Training Programs

Many Cyber Insurance policies offer access to employee training programs to educate staff on cybersecurity risks and prevention strategies, reducing the likelihood of a cyber incident[3].

Business Continuity Support

In the event of a cyber attack causing business interruption, Cyber Insurance policies may include coverage for business continuity support, helping businesses maintain operations during and after an incident[3].

Peace of Mind

By investing in Cyber Insurance, businesses can gain peace of mind knowing they have financial protection against cyber incidents that could lead to significant financial losses, legal penalties, and reputational harm[3].


While Cyber Insurance is a valuable component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, it should not replace the need for effective cyber risk management policies. It should be considered an option to enhance overall cyber resilience and mitigate financial risks associated with cyber threats[1].



  1. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/what-is/cyber-insurance.html
  1. https://www.strongdm.com/blog/cyber-insurance
  1. https://visualedgeit.com/the-benefits-of-cyber-insurance-go-beyond-financial-protection/
  1. https://woodruffsawyer.com/cyber-liability/cyber-101-liability-insurance/
  1. https://hylant.com/insights/blog/cyber-insurance-coverages

How is the cost of Cyber Insurance typically determined, and what factors influence premiums?


The cost of Cyber Insurance is typically determined by various factors, and premiums are influenced by the following:



Certain industries, such as healthcare, higher education, retail, and manufacturing, are targeted more frequently by cybercriminals, leading to higher insurance costs for organizations in these sectors[2].

Company Size

The number of devices, users, and systems within an organization can impact the threat surface and likelihood of a cyberattack. Larger organizations with more complex infrastructures may face higher premiums due to increased risks[4].

Geographical Presence

Operating in multiple countries or having a remote workforce can increase cybersecurity risks and necessitate additional layers of security measures, impacting insurance costs[4].

Company Revenue

The revenue of a company plays a significant role in determining the maximum amount of losses covered by the insurer in case of a cyberattack, influencing the cost of policies[4].

Types of Coverage

The specific risks an organization wants to cover will affect the cost of the policy. Coverage against sophisticated cyber threats may be more expensive than protection against common threats like ransomware or phishing attacks[4].


Insurers also consider factors such as the organization's risk profile, claim history, cybersecurity tools in place, and compliance with minimum security requirements when determining premiums[2][4]. By maintaining strong cybersecurity practices, implementing necessary security tools, and demonstrating proactive risk management strategies, organizations can potentially lower their cyber insurance costs[3][4].



  1. https://www.chicagofed.org/publications/chicago-fed-letter/2019/426
  1. https://hylant.com/insights/blog/cyber-insurance-cost
  1. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/what-is/cyber-insurance.html
  1. https://www.watchguard.com/wgrd-news/blog/factors-determine-cost-cyber-insurance
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-choose-cyber-insurance-policy-apex-risk-insurance-services

What are some common types of Cyber Insurance policies?


Here are some common types of cyber insurance policies:


First-Party Coverage

This type of policy covers the insured's own financial losses resulting from a cyber event. It includes coverage for data destruction, extortion, online theft, hacking activities, deliberate and accidental denial of service, fraud, theft, and forensic work[1][3].

Third-Party Liability Coverage

Third-party cyber insurance covers the insured for liability actions taken against them following a cyber event. It includes coverage for attorney fees, settlement costs, court-ordered damages, regulatory inquiries, government fines and penalties, and litigation coverage[1][3].

Data Breach Coverage

This policy typically covers expenses related to investigating a breach, notifying affected parties, providing credit monitoring services, and engaging in crisis management efforts to protect the business's reputation post-incident[3].

Ransomware Coverage

Some policies specifically cover ransomware attacks and provide financial assistance for ransom payments and recovery efforts[3].

Loss of Funds

Policies may include coverage for scenarios involving cybercrime, wire fraud, push payments, reverse social engineering, and social engineering fraud[3].

Miscellaneous Coverage

This category includes coverage for incidents like crypto-jacking, bricking, systems failure, business interruption, utility fraud, invoice manipulation, dependent business interruption, media liability, voluntary shutdown, property damage, reputational harm, among others[3].


Understanding these common types of cyber insurance policies can help businesses choose the right coverage tailored to their specific needs and potential risks.



  1. https://cyberinsureone.com/types/
  1. https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/learn/cyber-insurance.html
  1. https://www.beyondtrust.com/blog/entry/anatomy-of-a-cyber-insurance-policy
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-choose-cyber-insurance-policy-apex-risk-insurance-services
  1. https://itsec.group/blog-post-cyberinsurance.html
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Last updated on March 7, 2024