What is Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)?

Safeguard your business against unforeseen disruptions with this article on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.

What is Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery?


Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) are essential practices that help organizations adapt to and overcome disruptions while maintaining continuous business operations. They are closely related but have distinct focuses:


Business Continuity (BC)

This aspect of BC/DR focuses on keeping business operational during a disaster, such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or human errors. It outlines how the business will proceed during and following a disaster, providing contingency plans and outlining how the business will continue to operate even if it has to move to an alternate location[5].

Disaster Recovery (DR)

DR is a subset of BC and focuses specifically on restoring data access and IT infrastructure after a disaster. It involves creating and implementing a plan to recover critical systems and data, including backups and redundancies, so that the organization can resume operations as quickly as possible[1].


Both BC and DR plans are necessary for organizations to maintain resilience and minimize the impact of disruptions. While a business continuity plan is a company-wide strategic planning, disaster recovery is mainly IT-focused[2]. A good BC/DR plan ensures that business-critical functions are unhindered and that IT systems can be restored efficiently[2].


In summary, BC/DR practices help organizations:

  • Maintain continuous business operations during and after disruptions
  • Minimize downtime and ensure IT systems and data are recovered quickly
  • Reduce the risk of data loss and improve the organization's reputation[4]

By understanding the differences between BC and DR, organizations can better prepare for and respond to disruptions, ensuring their resilience and ability to recover from unexpected events.



  1. https://warrenaverett.com/insights/business-continuity-vs-disaster-recovery/
  1. https://www.unitrends.com/blog/business-continuity-plan
  1. https://www.mossadams.com/articles/2021/07/business-continuity-and-disaster-recovery-plans
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/definition/Business-Continuity-and-Disaster-Recovery-BCDR
  1. https://www.ucf.edu/online/leadership-management/news/business-continuity-vs-disaster-recovery/

What kind of organizations should implement BCDR?


Organizations across various sectors and sizes should implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plans to ensure their resilience in the face of disruptions. Specifically, the following groups benefit from BCDR plans:


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs rely heavily on their day-to-day operations and cannot afford extended periods of downtime. BCDR plans help SMEs prepare for and recover from disruptions, allowing them to maintain their competitive edge and preserve their reputation[1][2].

Large enterprises

Larger companies operate globally and have extensive supply chains, making them susceptible to widespread disruptions. BCDR plans allow large enterprises to coordinate their response to disruptions and minimize their impact on operations[1][2].

Critical infrastructure operators

Companies that support critical infrastructure, such as utilities, telecommunications, and healthcare, require reliable BCDR plans to ensure continued service provision during disruptions[1][2].

Regulated entities

Industries with strict regulatory requirements, such as banking, finance, and government agencies, must demonstrate their capacity to maintain business continuity and data protection[1][2].

High-profile organizations

Publicly traded companies, nonprofits, and educational institutions with prominent brands and reputations depend on BCDR plans to protect their image and credibility during disruptions[1][2].


Organizations should involve senior leadership, IT staff, and representatives from various business units in creating and managing BCDR plans. They should also conduct regular drills and simulations to evaluate their readiness for disruptions and make adjustments accordingly[1][2].



  1. https://www.commvault.com/glossary/business-continuity-disaster-recovery-bcdr
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/definition/Business-Continuity-and-Disaster-Recovery-BCDR
  1. https://spanning.com/blog/bcdr-business-continuity-disaster-recovery/
  1. https://sada.com/topics/business-continuity-and-disaster-recovery/
  1. https://verterim.com/education/bcdr

What are some examples of business disruptions that BCDR can help prevent?


Business Continuity (BC) helps prevent and mitigate various business disruptions, ensuring that essential functions can continue during and after a disaster. Some examples of business disruptions that Business Continuity can help prevent include:


Natural Disasters

Such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires.


Including ransomware, malware, and data breaches.

IT Infrastructure Failures

Such as hardware or software failures that can lead to system downtime.

Data Loss

Whether due to accidental deletion, corruption, or other unforeseen events.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Such as those caused by transportation blockages, strikes, or unexpected supplier issues.

Power Outages

Which can significantly impact business operations and IT systems.

Pandemics and Disease Outbreaks

As seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, which can disrupt normal business operations.

Terrorist Attacks

Which can lead to physical damage and disruption of business activities.


By having a robust Business Continuity plan in place, organizations can better prepare for and respond to these and other potential disruptions, ensuring the continuity of essential business functions and minimizing the impact of unexpected events[2][3][5].



  1. https://www.preparis.com/article/8-most-common-obstacles-business-continuity-programs
  1. https://invenioit.com/continuity/4-real-life-business-continuity-examples/
  1. https://continuity2.com/blog/business-continuity-incident-examples
  1. https://www.greystonetech.com/blog/business-continuity-plan-challenges/
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/definition/business-continuity

How can a business continuity plan help prevent data loss?


A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) can help prevent data loss by implementing various strategies and measures. Some of these strategies include:


Data Backup

Regularly backing up critical data is essential for preventing data loss. This can be done manually or through automated processes, such as weekly backups or more frequent backups for systems storing critical information[3].

Off-site Storage

Storing backup data off-site ensures that it is not lost in the event of a disaster that affects the primary location. This can be achieved through cloud storage or physical storage in a separate location[3].


Implementing redundant systems and hardware can help prevent data loss by ensuring that critical functions can continue even if one component fails. This can include redundant servers, network infrastructure, and other IT systems[2].

Incident Response Plans

Having a well-defined incident response plan in place can help minimize the impact of data loss by ensuring that the organization can quickly identify and address the issue. This includes having key employees and third parties familiar with the backup and restoration processes[2].

Testing and Updates

Regularly testing and updating the BCP is crucial for ensuring its effectiveness. This involves evaluating the plan's effectiveness, identifying vulnerabilities, and making necessary improvements[2].


By incorporating these strategies into a BCP, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data loss and ensure that critical data is protected and recoverable in the event of a disruption.



  1. https://alertfind.com/data-protection-recovery-must-part-business-continuity-planning/
  1. https://www.greystonetech.com/blog/business-continuity-plan-challenges/
  1. https://www.travelers.com/resources/business-topics/cyber-security/4-steps-data-disaster-recovery-plan
  1. https://techbldrs.com/blog/business-continuity-plans-and-the-importance-of-data-backups/
  1. https://www.coastal-it.com/data-protection-and-business-continuity/

How often should a business continuity plan be reviewed and updated?


A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. The frequency of reviews depends on various factors, such as the size of the organization, the complexity of the plan, and the rate of change in the business environment. Here are some general guidelines for reviewing and updating a BCP:


Annual Review

As a minimum, a BCP should be reviewed at least once a year[2]. This review should include a reassessment of risks, a new impact assessment, and an updated recovery plan[3].

Trigger Events

Review the BCP whenever there is a significant change in the business environment, such as a new product or service, a merger or acquisition, or an IT or hardware change[2][4].

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Conduct a BIA every 2-3 years to ensure that the BCP remains aligned with the organization's current critical functions and priorities[3].

Recovery Simulation Test

Simulate a real disaster and walk through the BCP from end to end every 2-3 years to ensure that the organization is confident in its ability to recover from a disruption[3].

Stakeholder Feedback

Collect and analyze stakeholder feedback at least every six months, or more often if there are significant changes in stakeholder relationships or requirements[2].


By following these guidelines, organizations can ensure that their BCP remains up-to-date and effective in preventing data loss and minimizing the impact of disruptions.



  1. https://www.rockdovesolutions.com/blog/how-often-should-a-business-continuity-plan-be-reviewed
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/how-often-should-you-review-your-business
  1. https://www.arcserve.com/blog/how-often-should-business-continuity-plan-be-reviewed
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/tip/How-often-should-you-review-a-business-continuity-plan
  1. https://www.logicmanager.com/resources/business-continuity/how-often-should-a-bcp-be-reviewed/

What are some common challenges in updating a business continuity plan?


Some common challenges in updating a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) include:


Lack of Executive Support

Without active involvement and commitment from top-level management, it can be challenging to implement and maintain effective business continuity strategies[4][3].

Insufficient Analysis and Planning

Inadequate analysis and planning can result in a BCP that does not address the actual needs and risks of the business, leading to ineffective strategies and procedures[2].

Inadequate Testing and Training

Neglecting or postponing the testing and training of the BCP can leave organizations ill-prepared for a crisis or disruption. Testing is essential to validate assumptions, identify gaps, and improve readiness[2][3].

Poor Communication and Coordination

Effective communication and coordination are crucial for the successful implementation of a BCP. Lack of organizational engagement can compromise the quality of the program[4].

Lack of Understanding

A major obstacle for businesses is the lack of understanding about business continuity planning. Organizations must educate employees about the importance of business continuity to ensure proper implementation[3].

Neglecting Incident Response Plans

Failure to prioritize incident response plans can leave businesses vulnerable to prolonged downtime and potential financial loss[1].


By addressing these challenges proactively, organizations can ensure that their BCP remains up-to-date, effective, and aligned with their business objectives, thereby enhancing their resilience in the face of disruptions.



  1. https://www.greystonetech.com/blog/business-continuity-plan-challenges/
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/what-common-challenges-pitfalls-implementing-5e
  1. https://strongholddata.com/business-continuity-challenges-and-solutions/
  1. https://www.preparis.com/article/8-most-common-obstacles-business-continuity-programs
  1. https://continuity2.com/blog/business-continuity-incident-examples

How can a business ensure that its business continuity plan is up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends?


To ensure that a business continuity plan stays up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends, follow these recommendations:

  • Monitor industry news and research to stay informed about new developments and trends in business continuity and related fields, such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing[2][3].
  • Adopt new technologies and tools that align with your business continuity goals and objectives, such as cloud-based solutions, AI-driven analytics, and advanced cybersecurity measures[2].
  • Evaluate and integrate emerging technologies into your business continuity plan, considering their benefits, costs, and potential drawbacks[2].
  • Collaborate with subject matter experts and vendors who specialize in specific areas of interest, such as cloud providers, cybersecurity specialists, and AI developers[2].
  • Establish a formal process for reviewing and updating your business continuity plan, including setting timelines for periodic reviews and updates[1].
  • Train employees on new technologies and techniques to ensure that they are equipped to handle disruptions effectively[3].
  • Regularly test your business continuity plan to verify its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement[1].
  • Maintain open communication channels between departments and levels of management to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing[3].
  • Allocate adequate budget and resources to invest in new technologies and skills required to remain current[3].
  • Stay flexible and agile in responding to changing environments and demands, embracing innovation and adaptation as core values[3].

These actions will help ensure that your business continuity plan remains relevant and effective in protecting against modern threats and disruptions.



  1. https://continuity2.com/blog/why-you-need-to-keep-your-bcm-plans-up-to-date
  1. https://247it.services/future-proof-your-business-with-these-2024-business-continuity-trends/
  1. https://www.greystonetech.com/blog/business-continuity-plan-challenges/
  1. https://strongholddata.com/business-continuity-challenges-and-solutions/
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/what-common-challenges-pitfalls-implementing-5e

What are the benefits of implementing a BCDR plan for small businesses?


Implementing a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan is beneficial for small businesses for several reasons:

  • Minimizes downtime: By preparing for disruptions, small businesses can reduce the duration of downtime, resulting in fewer losses due to reduced productivity and revenue[1].
  • Helps businesses prepare for the worst: Small business owners might incorrectly believe they are adequately prepared for emergencies, but a BCDR plan ensures that they are ready to respond appropriately[1].
  • Protects sensitive data: With increasing cyber threats targeting small businesses, a BCDR plan helps safeguard valuable data and prevents data loss[1].
  • Enhances organizational awareness: The planning process alerts businesses to insurance issues, unknown risks, or supply chain concerns[4].
  • Reduces financial risks: Strategies to resolve employee, supply chain, or location problems can decrease downtime, allowing small businesses to continue generating revenue during an emergency[4].
  • Prevents customer dissatisfaction: Communication issues and business disruption can lead to clients turning to competitors. Remaining operational allows small businesses to fully support their customers during a crisis[4].
  • Improves employee relations: Instability can lower worker retention rates. A BCDR plan demonstrates the importance of employees to the small business and engages them during the planning process[4].

Additionally, consulting with a professional who can tailor advice to the specific needs of the small business is recommended before making any decisions[4].



  1. https://amaxra.com/articles/business-continuity-and-disaster-recovery
  1. https://spanning.com/blog/bcdr-business-continuity-disaster-recovery/
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/definition/Business-Continuity-and-Disaster-Recovery-BCDR
  1. https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/business-continuity-small-business-planning-and-considerations
  1. https://www.commvault.com/glossary/business-continuity-disaster-recovery-bcdr

What are the features that you can expect from a listing in this category?


A listing in the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) category can include the following features:



Risk assessments, business impact analysis, risk evaluation, and threat assessment to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.

Planning and Management

Inventory management, business continuity planning, incident management, compliance management, incident response planning, communication plan, approval workflow automation, and other tools to manage and coordinate the BCDR process.

Notifications and Access Management

Live status reporting, mobile access, and emergency notification systems to keep stakeholders informed and ensure timely response.

Data Backups and Replication

Data backup and replication tools to ensure that critical data is protected and recoverable in the event of a disruption.

Data Recovery

Airgapped backups, virtualization, immutable backups, PaaS services coverage, application-level DR, failover and failback, instant recovery, large database recovery, airgapped DR, granular recovery, long-term archiving, and cloud-based recovery to ensure that data is recoverable and accessible.

Training and Education

Training and education resources to ensure that employees are prepared to respond to disruptions effectively.

Third-Party Integrations

Integration with third-party tools and services to enhance the BCDR process.

Cybersecurity Systems

Cybersecurity systems to protect against cyber threats and prevent data loss.

Quality Assurance

Testing and execution tools, including automated testing, to ensure that the BCDR plan is effective and up-to-date.

Works for

Compatibility with various platforms, including AWS, Azure, GCP, data centers, and on-premise systems.


By offering these features, a BCDR solution can help organizations maintain continuous operations and protect data in the event of a disaster or disruption, ensuring their resilience and ability to recover from unexpected events.


What deliverables that you can expect from a listing in this category?


In the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) category, a listing can offer various deliverables to support organizations in managing and recovering from disruptions effectively. Some of the deliverables you can expect include:


Risk Assessments:

  • Risk assessment reports
  • Risk mitigation plans
  • Remediation steps

Approval Workflow Automation:

  • Approval workflows
  • Documentation of approval processes
  • Automated approval notifications

Live Status Reporting:

  • Real-time monitoring reports
  • Status dashboards
  • Alert notifications

Data Backups and Replication:

  • Backup schedules
  • Backup and replication reports
  • Recovery point objectives (RPOs)

Airgapped Backups:

  • Airgapped backup strategy documentation
  • Procedures for physically isolating backup data
  • Documentation of backup storage and retrieval processes

Immutable Backups:

  • Immutable backup configuration documentation
  • Procedures for creating and maintaining immutable backups
  • Documentation of backup integrity verification processes

PaaS Services Coverage:

  • List of supported PaaS services for backup and recovery
  • Documentation of backup and recovery procedures for each PaaS service
  • Integration reports showcasing the coverage of PaaS services in the BCDR solution

Application Level DR:

  • Application-level disaster recovery plan documentation
  • Procedures for recovering specific applications
  • Documentation of application-level recovery testing processes

Instant Recovery:

  • Instant recovery plan documentation
  • Procedures for rapidly restoring systems or applications
  • Documentation of the technology or tools used for instant recovery

Large Database Recovery:

  • Large database recovery plan documentation
  • Procedures for recovering specific databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, Oracle, SAP)
  • Documentation of database recovery testing processes

These deliverables provide organizations with comprehensive documentation, plans, procedures, and reports to ensure effective business continuity and disaster recovery strategies are in place.


How to choose the right vendor to help you with your BCDR strategy?


Choosing a vendor to help with your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) strategy can be a complex process. Here are some steps you can follow to help you choose the right vendor:

Evaluate BCDR and DRaaS Solutions

Determine whether you want to outsource support or handle it internally. If you plan on outsourcing assistance, you'll need to partner with a managed services provider (MSP) that is proficient in continuity and compliance solutions. Evaluate BCDR solutions that combine cloud, software, and hardware elements to support your virtual assets, local servers, and desktops[5].

Seek BCDR Cloud Options

Look for BCDR solutions that have a cloud backup as well as a recovery component. The cloud serves two purposes in a BCDR solution: to provide offsite storage space for server and workstation images used for restores and to take over critical operations when a failover occurs. Backups can be stored locally or remotely, in the cloud. For BCDR, it's best to keep copies of your backups in both places[5].

Address Security and Compliance Frameworks

Look for BCDR solutions that comply with Service Organization Control (SOC 1 / SSAE 16 and SOC 2 Type II) reporting standards and feature two-factor authentication. This can help protect your data and reduce the need for manual intervention. Ensure that the vendor's solution addresses ransomware detection, point-in-time rollback capabilities, and data immutability[5].

Check Vendor's Experience and Reputation

Look for vendors with experience in BCDR planning activities and a proven track record of successful implementations. Check references and reviews from existing and previous clients to ensure that the vendor can deliver on their promises[3].

Compare Pricing and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Review service level-agreement (SLA) documents and compare pricing options. Monthly fees may be based on some sort of metric, so see if you can determine how prices are computed so you can compare vendor pricing. Ensure that the SLA documents are comprehensive and meet your requirements[3].

Evaluate Vendor's Support and Training

Determine the level of support and training the vendor provides. Ensure that the vendor offers training and education resources to ensure that employees are prepared to respond to disruptions effectively. Evaluate the vendor's support services, including their response time and availability[1].


By following these steps, you can choose a vendor that can help you develop and implement an effective BCDR strategy that meets your organization's needs.



  1. https://axcient.com/blog/how-to-choose-the-best-bcdr-solution-for-your-msp/
  1. https://axcient.com/white-papers/bcdr-buyers-guide/
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/tip/Selecting-a-managed-business-continuity-service-provider
  1. https://www.techtarget.com/searchdisasterrecovery/definition/Business-Continuity-and-Disaster-Recovery-BCDR
  1. https://blog.icorps.com/choosing-a-bcdr-solution
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Last updated on March 7, 2024